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Parenting Unscripted is now available!

“It’s beautifully written and should be mandatory reading for all parents!!!” - Carmela Feury / Motherwild

For parents committed to preparing their children for the complexities of the modern world, this book is a must-read. It's an invitation to rethink traditional parenting roles and embrace a more collaborative, respectful, and empowering approach to raising children in a light & relatable way. 

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Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all parenting strategies.

This book introduces an approach that respects each child's individuality, promoting autonomy and self-motivation. It's a comprehensive guide that challenges conventional wisdom and encourages parents to foster an environment where children feel genuinely supported in pursuing their interests and passions.

“Parenting Unscripted” is not just theoretical; it's a hands-on guide that offers practical tools and strategies parents can implement immediately. From creating effective routines to navigating challenges and setbacks, the book provides a roadmap for raising resilient, independent, and self-motivated children.

As part of the FLRSH360 community, we understand the importance of nurturing family connections and fostering environments where children can thrive. “Parenting Unscripted - The Art of Raising a Self-Directed Kid” aligns with our mission to support families in their parenting journey. We invite you to join our community. 

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Unlock the Future: Get Your Free Copy of 'New Paradigm of Education Rising' Now!

A New Paradigm of Education Rising was birthed one year ago!

To celebrate, we are gifting you a FREE PDF book, as it has helped so many conscious families and educators and we’d love you to receive the same!
We were in the best seller category all over world.. it was amazing the impact and moreover the powerful and necessary message that we bring forth for a vision of A NEW PARADIGM OF EDUCATION.
Do you want your children to tap into their highest intelligence?
Would you encourage them to create the world as they want it?
What if we could honor the future generations by co-creating new ways of educating?
The ultimate vision of A New Paradigm of Education Rising is to unlock higher intelligence and to create limitless potential and practices that will support you to co-create a beautiful future for the next generations.
Download Now for FREE